Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

You agree that this Privacy Policy will be effective for all users on October 1, 2021.

Please read the Privacy Statement below to understand how Redeemes collects, processes, uses and discloses your personal information that we may collect from you. We will not use or share your information with anyone except as described in this Privacy Policy.


Respected Redeemes Company, LLC. (“Redeemes“, “we”, “our” or “us”) the privacy rights of our users and understand the importance of protecting the information we collect about you. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to help you understand what information we collect about you when you use any of our websites, applications, or any other online service where this Privacy Policy is posted (collectively, the “Redeemes Services”), how we use that information and what the options you have. You should review this Privacy Policy each time you access the Services. This Privacy Policy supplements notices and other privacy policies that we may post.


Our services mean:

Purchase/order products or merchandise from any of our affiliates over the phone or online.

Use any of our Platforms, including our website (“Website”) or mobile applications (“Mobile App”).

be a member of any of our loyalty programmes; and/or participate in our promotions and contests and register to receive our newsletters and offers.

This policy also applies if you contact us or we contact you about our services.


From time to time, we may update this Privacy Policy and will notify you of any changes by posting the revised Policy here. We encourage you to visit periodically and check our Privacy Policy to learn about our data processing practices.


Our Privacy Policy is provided in a layered format as shown in the headings below:


  • What information do we collect
  • How do we collect information
  • How we use your information
  • Use of cookies and other technologies
  • Interest-based advertising
  • Customized advertising campaigns
  • Sharing and disclosing information
  • Your choices regarding direct marketing
  • Your privacy rights
  • protection
  • Links and third parties
  • International data transfers
  • Storage / Retention
  • Contact information

What information do we collect


Redeemes collects personal information and other information from and about you to provide the Services. Personal information is data that directly or indirectly identifies an individual.


The information we collect depends on the services included, and includes:


Login information that identifies you and verifies that you are a user. Login information usually includes a password as well as personal contact information, such as an email address. You may be able to access some Services using your social login information.

Personal contact information that allows Redeemes to contact you directly, such as your first and last name, email address, postal address, telephone number, and mobile phone number.

Interests information and demographic information, such as your age, gender, interests and preferences.

Technical information collected when you use the Services, such as your IP address, device information, information about the network you use to access the Services, browser type and version, your activities while using the Services, previously visited sites or services, and content you see or click on.


Order information collected when you purchase a product or service, such as products ordered, payment information, and personal contact information of the sender and recipient.


Customer service information is collected when you contact internal or external customer service agents.

Location information, including information that allows you to accurately determine your location.

Social login information such as login information, profile information, and friend lists from a social network that you choose to share when accessing the Services.

User-generated content that you post or upload, such as comments, videos, photos, or social media interactions.

Your duty to inform us of changes. It is important that the personal information we hold about you is accurate and current. Please inform us of any changes to your personal information during your relationship with us.


If you fail to provide personal information. Where we need to collect personal information by law, or under the terms of a contract we have or seek to enter into with you and you fail to provide such data when requested, we may not be able to perform the contract (for example, to supply you with goods).


How do we collect information


When you use the Services, Redeemes collects information from and about you in the following ways:


direct interactions. We collect information that you voluntarily provide, including login information, personal contact information, demographic and interests information, order information, customer service information, and User-Generated Content when:


create an account and/or register for the Services;

participate in one of our online games, activities or applications;

participate in contests, sweepstakes or other promotions;

Post User Generated Content;

Participation in a survey or questionnaire;

apply for a job online;

subscribing to updates, newsletters or other marketing communications;

placing an order or entering into other transactions;

Or contact us with a comment or question or for more information.


We collect technical information automatically when you use the Services through the use of cookies and similar technologies, as described in more detail in the Cookies section below.


 Other third parties: with your consent or direction to do so.

Otherwise, we will only disclose your personal information to a third party with your permission.


portable devices. Redeemes or its third-party technology partners may also collect location information, including location information provided by a mobile device that interacts with one of our apps or is associated with your IP address or Wi-Fi network. You can generally restrict or block the collection of location information using the built-in settings on your mobile device. Check the device’s instructions for information on how to do this. We do not allow accurate location information (physical address) to be collected in mobile applications without your consent.


How we use your information


Redeemes collects information from and about you to meet your needs, manage our content and advertising, work efficiently, and improve our services and products.


We collect and use information, either on its own or with other information, to:


provide you with products and services, including services;

Respond to inquiries and requests.

enable you to participate in online games, contests, sweepstakes and other promotions;

Enable you to communicate with other users of the Services and to share information about our products and services with others;

provide you with customized content;

understand our visitors and improve our products and services;

maintain the security, safety, and quality of our products and services;

comply with the laws and protect our legal rights and the legal rights of others;

Send marketing messages to you or other individuals you identify on behalf of Redeemes and other companies within the Redeemes family, and on behalf of selected non-affiliated companies;

serve interest-based advertising and measure the effectiveness of our advertising; And

Complete and execute transaction, refund, order confirmation, delivery and payment tracking, and order status updates.

If applicable laws require that we obtain your consent to collect information for a particular purpose, we will do so at the time we collect the information.


We may combine the information we collect through your use of the Services with information we collect from other sources (for example, offline records or publicly available information).


In addition, we may take, de-identify, and share personal information in an unidentified or aggregated form with third parties, advertisers and/or business partners in order to analyze site usage, improve our services or service offerings, and improve our services. user experience, or for similar purposes.


Policy of cookies sent by Redeemes server and other technologies.


Redeemes and its service providers, including advertising and analytics partners, use small text files called “cookies” and similar technology that are saved on your computer or mobile device to automatically collect information about your use of the Services. Different types of cookies, such as session cookies or persistent cookies, can be used for different functions. Persistent cookies remain on the user’s device for a specified period of time, and are activated each time the user visits the services where the cookies are set. Session cookies are temporary and allow us to relate user actions during a browser session. The information collected may include your IP address, geolocation information, device information, information about the network you use to access the Services, sites or services that you have visited previously, and content that you see or click on.


We and our third-party analytics and advertising providers generally use the following types of cookies and other technologies, such as GIFs or web beacons, for the following purposes:


absolutely necessary. These are necessary for navigating the Services and using the features, and enable us to provide services such as registration and shopping carts.

functional. They are used to identify you when you use the Services. It enables us to personalize content for you and remember your preferences.

Analytics. These are used to understand and improve the Services and to understand how you use the Services.

Advertising. These are used to deliver relevant ads and to track ad campaign performance and efficiency.


social. These allow you to share content and experiences, sign in with your social network ID, and stay logged in online.


Click here for more information about the types of cookies used and their purposes. Please note that relationships with third parties may change, so the list may not always be comprehensive or up-to-date. In addition, not all listed technologies may be used for all Services or in all jurisdictions.


Although many browsers are initially set to accept cookies, you may be able to adjust your settings to refuse cookies. The options are browser and device specific, and if you clear cookies from the browser on any of your devices, you will need to reset your opt-out options. See the “Help” section of your browser or the built-in mobile device settings for more information. Additionally, please note that certain areas of the Services can only be accessed when cookies are enabled. Thus, disabling cookies may prevent you from accessing some of our content.


So please note that if you delete cookies or refuse to accept them, you may not be able to use all the features we offer, you may not be able to store your preferences, and some of our pages may not display correctly.


For Chrome, please visit this page from (Google):


For Internet Explorer, please visit this page from (Microsoft):


For Firefox, please visit this page from (Mozilla):


For (Safari), please visit this page from (Apple):


For any other browser, please visit your browser’s official pages.


Where can you find more information about cookies?


You can learn more about cookies and the following third party websites:


All About Cookies:


Network Advertising Initiative:


Other third party partners, such as social media sites, may use cookies and similar technologies to automatically collect information about your use of the Services through social media plug-ins. You may be able to provide your social login information to access the Services, in which case the social network may be able to associate your activities in the Services with your social media registration information. The social networks’ privacy policies and terms apply to your use of their platforms. Your browser or device may allow you to block these technologies, but you should visit the third party website and review their privacy policy and registration or account profile for your options.


Interest-based advertising


As described above, our third-party advertising partners may use cookies and similar technologies to automatically collect certain information regarding the use of the Services and other websites and applications and may use the information to serve ads targeted to products and services that may be of interest based on activity. To learn more about interest-based advertising and how you can opt out of the use of your web browsing information for interest-based advertising by companies that participate in Network Advertising (“NAI”) or the Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”), visit the NAI website (US) and DAA Ad Choices sites (US, EU, Canada and Australia/New Zealand). Note, however, that not all service providers participate in the NAI and DAA. Additionally, if you opt out, you may still see online ads from Redeemes and third parties, but the ads may be less relevant to you. If you delete or block cookies, purchase or use a different device, access the Services from a different device, sign in under a different name, or change web browsers, you will need to opt out again. Some web browsers may send “Do Not Track” signals. At this time, Redeemes is not taking steps to respond to such signals.


Customized advertising campaigns


For some Services, we work with certain social media to display interest-based ads on social media through the tools available. We share with Social Media hashed/encrypted email addresses collected from users of the Services, allowing Social Media to target ads on our behalf through its platform.


Sharing and disclosing information


Redeemes Group of Companies: We may share the information we collect within the Redeemes group of companies, who may use the information for the purposes described above.

Service Providers: We may share the information we collect with third parties that process the information on our behalf. We may use these service providers to:

hosting services and providing maintenance and security of the database and server,

Help us run contests, sweepstakes or other promotions,

send emails on our behalf,

Help us analyze our offers, and Processing and executing online transactions.


Payment Processors: When you make a purchase using the Services, our payment processing companies collect and store your payment information. for these purposes. Learn more about our privacy and security practices. Described in the Security section below.


Business partners: With your consent, we may share information with unaffiliated third parties to enable them to provide you with information about their products or services that may be of interest. Please see the section below entitled “Your Choices Regarding Direct Marketing” for more information on how to change your preferences or opt out of this sharing of information.


Legal Compliance and Protection of Security and Safety: Redeemes may access, retain and disclose your information if required to do so by law or in the good faith belief that such access, preservation or disclosure is reasonably necessary to: (1) comply with legal process or respond to a legal request; or summon command; (2 apply the Redeemes Terms and Conditions; (3) respond to allegations that your conduct has infringed the rights of third parties; (4) respond to your requests for customer service; (5) protect the rights, property, and personal safety of Redeemes , its users and the public; (6) or as required to comply with or permitted by applicable laws and regulations.


Business Transactions: We may transfer collected information if we or one of our affiliates is acquired, sold, or merged with another entity.


Your choices regarding direct marketing


With your consent, Redeemes may use personal information collected in accordance with this Policy to market our products and services on behalf of other companies within the Redeemes family, and to market products and services offered by non-affiliates.


Receiving marketing communications from Redeemes is voluntary. If at any time you would like to change your marketing preferences or to opt out entirely from receiving further marketing information from us, you may log into your account if you have registered through the Services, follow the unsubscribe instructions in an email, or contact our own.

Your privacy rights


You have the right to access, update, and correct inaccurate information in the personal information we collect through the Services, subject to some exceptions. If you create an account online, you may access, update and delete your personal information or request deletion of your account by logging into your account through the Services. Any requests you submit will be reviewed and processed, if approved, by our staff. We may retain certain information as necessary to pursue legitimate business interests, resolve disputes, or as required by applicable laws. To protect your privacy and the security of your personal information, we will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access to your personal information or deleting your account.

European population


If you are a citizen of a member state of the European Economic Area, the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (“GDPR”) gives you certain rights with respect to your personal information. You may, with certain exceptions:


Request access to your personal information

Request that we correct the personal information we have about you

Request to erase your personal information

Objection to our processing of your personal information

Request to restrict the processing of your personal information

Request a copy of the personal information we have about you

Asking not to be subject to automated decision-making or profiling

We will always endeavor to fulfill your request to exercise these rights, but on occasion, we may have legal reasons or obligations to refuse your request. You will not have to pay a fee to exercise any of the above rights, but we may charge a reasonable fee if your request is unfounded, repetitive or excessive. Alternatively, we can refuse to comply with your request in these circumstances.


If you are a national of a member state of the European Economic Area, you also have the right to contact supervisory authorities within the European Economic Area regarding any concerns you have regarding Redeemes‘s privacy practices.


If you have any concerns, we ask that you contact us first so that we can investigate your concerns, and hopefully resolve them.


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requires you to be informed of the legal bases we rely on to process your personal information. The legal grounds for processing are set out below.


our legitimate interests. For example, to maintain system security, communicate with you, fulfill your requests, conduct surveys, improve our products and services, and protect our rights and the rights of others.

perform a contract with you. For example, when buying goods or services.

Compliance with laws. For example, to comply with legal and regulatory requirements or respond to a court order or legal request.

consent. Where we rely on consent to process your personal information, you can withdraw your consent at any time.


California residents


The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCPA) provides Californians with certain rights regarding their personal information:


Right to request disclosure, not more than twice in a 12 month period:

Categories and specific pieces of personal information we have collected about you.

Categories and sources from which personal information is collected.

Commercial or commercial purposes of collecting or selling personal information.

Categories of third parties with whom we share personal information.

We will provide this information upon receipt of a verifiable consumer order. How we will verify your identity depends on how you have interacted with us in the past.


The categories and sources of personal information we collect and the business or commercial purposes for collecting personal information are described in the What information we collect, how we collect and how we use your information sections above.

The right to request that anyone delete information about you that we have collected from you, subject to certain exceptions. If we are asked to delete your personal information, upon receiving a verifiable request, we will delete your personal information from our records and instruct any of our service providers to delete your personal information from their records.


The right to opt out from “selling” your personal information to third parties, as defined by the California Consumer Privacy Act. We share some personal information with third parties under circumstances that may be considered a “sale” under the CCPA. This includes when we share information collected from cookies and similar tracking technologies with advertising technology partners in order to create user profiles and deliver advertising messages based on your preferences, and to help us identify other users who are likely to be interested in our products and services.

California residents can exercise their rights by submitting an online application. You can appoint an authorized agent to place an order on your behalf. We may require proof of your identity and that the agent is authorized by you. We will not discriminate against you for exercising your rights.


Under California Civil Code § 1798.83 “Shine the Light” law, California residents have the right to request, once per year, information about third parties with whom Redeemes has shared personal information about them for these parties’ direct marketing purposes during the previous calendar year, and the categories of personal information shared . To make such a request, send a written request to our address, specifying that you are seeking a “California Shine the Light Notice.” Please allow thirty days for a response.


Nevada residents


Nevada residents have the right to file a verified request directing the website operator not to make any “sale” of covered information collected about a consumer for cash to someone to such person to license or sell the information to additional persons, with some exceptions. If you are a Nevada resident and wish to opt out of the future sale of your Covered Information, you may contact us at



Redeemes strives to use commercially reasonable physical and electronic security measures to protect against loss, unauthorized access, misuse or alteration of your personal information. We use encryption and/or other security measures to protect payment information during transmission and we adopt internal procedures to protect this information in our systems. We limit access to personal information to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties whose business needs to know. Please be aware that despite our best efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable, and we cannot guarantee the security measures of third parties.


If you make a purchase using the Services, your payment information will be collected by a third-party payment processor and sent directly to them via an encrypted connection. Our payment processors use, process and store your information in accordance with their privacy policies, and confirm that they are PCI compliant.


Links and third parties


We may provide links to other websites owned by third parties. When placing an order or registering for services where transactions are handled by a third-party seller, such transactions are conducted through the seller’s website and are subject to the supplier’s privacy policy and terms of use. We are not responsible for those other websites, their privacy policies, or how they handle the information of their users. We encourage you to review their privacy policies for information about how these sites collect, use, and protect your information.


You may be required to register and log into a third-party mobile app store before you can download or purchase the Redeemes App or make in-app purchases using the Redeemes App. When you download the Redeemes App or use the Redeemes App with online features through the mobile platform, the App Provider will typically collect certain information related to the device and the App. Redeemes has no control over the requirements or operations of the App Stores; You should review the privacy policy and terms of use of the mobile app stores before downloading or using any application and check your device settings for control options. On occasion, we may offer content, promotions, or other activities that are sponsored, sponsored, or offered with selected third parties. By using such content or participating in such promotions or activities, the personal information you voluntarily provide may be made available to both Redeemes and third parties. Redeemes has no control over these third parties’ use of this information.


International data transfers


Because the Redeemes family of companies operates globally, we may transfer and process personal information about you on our servers in the United States and/or countries other than your home country, and we may use cloud services whose servers may be located anywhere in the world. Please note that the data protection laws of some countries, such as the United States, may not provide a level of privacy protection equivalent to that found in the European Economic Area (EEA) or your country. If your use of the Services results in the transfer of personal information from the European Economic Area to countries outside the European Economic Area that are not deemed to provide an adequate level of privacy protection, we may rely on (1) Standard Contractual Clauses approved by the European Commission in our contracts with the parties that You receive information in such countries, and/or (2) the third-party service providers in the United States that are authorized to receive such information under the Privacy Shield. By using the Services, you expressly consent to such transfers.


Storage / Detention


Personal information we collect will not be stored for longer than is necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, or to fulfill legal, regulatory, tax, accounting or reporting requirements. In some cases, we may make your personal information anonymous (so that it can no longer be linked to you) for research or statistical purposes, in which case we may use the information indefinitely without further notice to you.


Contact information


If you have any questions about this policy, you are welcome to contact us. You also have the right to contact or lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority. 

© 2024 Redeemes LLC. All rights reserved.Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners.